Hi - I have been using MacPerl for about a year to check cgi scripts before uploading them on our unix server for production use. Usually I can do a good job of testing and debugging on the mac. One of the tricks I use is to just set a variable like $onMac and if it's true, I set the environment variables that I will be using in the cgi. Also when I am processing a form (we still use cgi-lib) I have a modified version of cgi-lib that saves the form to a file and echos the input and the environmental variables to the browser. I then download the file to my mac and use a version of cgi-lib that reads it's input from the file. That way I can use the MacPerl debugger and check any new code and nail those bugs before they bit on the unix server. I hope that was on target for your question. Michael Mogitz Web Engineer MetaTools, Inc. >I have installed MacPerl and NetPresenz hoping to be able to test and debug >CGI scripts before transferring them to my WWW providers server. > >But it isn't working. > >I am able to access HTML files. But whenever I run a Perl CGI script using >an HTML form, I get the following message in Netscape: > > Error: 404 CGI failed > > The CGI Application failed (error -1708). > > >I have and installed MacPerl 5.1.0r2, and I'm able to check the syntax and >run basic, non-cgi scripts with it. > >I was also able to correctly run "example.cgi", which is an AppleScript cgi >included with NetPresenz. > >Is anyone using NetPresenz in combination with MacPerl to run Perl CGI >scripts? > >Is there an easier way to run Perl CGI scripts on my Mac? > > > > > >------------------------- >lance turner >latu@nebula.ispace.com