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[MacPerl] 68K MPW Perl Tool autoloader broken?

Hello (again),

I have been playing with the MPW Perl tool. I took the following out of
the "t" directories and modified it to launch MS Word.


use Mac::Processes;
use Mac::MoreFiles(%Application);

printf "%-20s %-8s  %-8s\n", "Process Name", "PSN", "Location";

while (($psn, $pi) = each %Process) {
        printf "%-20s %08X @%08X\n", 
                $pi->{processName}, $pi->{processNumber}, $pi->{processLocation};

tie %Launch, LaunchParam;

$Launch{launchControlFlags} = launchContinue+launchNoFileFlags+launchDontSwitch;
$Launch{launchAppSpec}      = $Application{MSWD};

LaunchApplication(\%Launch) || die "$^E";

printf "Launched %X flags %X\n", $Launch{launchProcessSN},

It worked fine under the MacPerl Application, but when run under MPW I get:

# Can't load 'Macintosh HD:MPW Folder:MacPerlTool:lib:auto:Mac:Processes:Processes'
for module Mac::Processes: # DynaLoader
error [-2804, Perl].
File 'Macintosh HD:MPW Folder:MacPerlTool:lib:DynaLoader.pm'; Line 157

File 'Macintosh HD:MPW Folder:MacPerlTool:lib:Mac:Processes.pm'; Line 79
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
File ':launcher'; Line 6


The Path to "Processes" is correct. I have to use the 68K version on the 7600
because I am using a very old version of MPW...3.2.3

Is there a problem?

--Jerry LeVan