At 4:52 PM -0500 on 12/3/96, Jerry LeVan wrote: }Hmmm, }Sat down last night and tried to open a socket to a remote }machine. ( I am using the 68k perl tool+freePPP+OT 1.1.1). } }Not have a "fork" presents some difficulties :). Basically I }decided to send a "GET /<cr><lf> to some machines running web stuff }and grab the home page. } }The code looked something like this: }$iaddr=inet_aton($remote); }$paddr=sockaddr_in($port,$iaddr); }$proto=getprotobyname('tcp'); }socket(SOCK,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,$proto) or die "socket: $!"; }connect(SOCK,$paddr) or die "connect: $!"; }select(SOCK); $|=1; select(STDOUT); } }#print "-->"; $line=<STDIN>; $line = $line ."\n"; }$line="GET /\n\012"; }print SOCK $line; }$i=1; }while($line=<SOCK>) { } print $i++, $line, "\n"; }} }close(SOCK); } }Much to my surprise I only got back 1 long line, it looks like }all of the <cr>'s where eaten , there was an "empty" box where }the lines where supposed to end.(I assume it was the line feed.) }Telneting to the port with a terminal program with "show control }characters" enabled showed that each line was terminated with a }<cr><lf> pair. } }Does this make any sense? Does command buffering ($|=1) make sense }in the Mac environment. Sure it does. It works, too, as you see, since you got a reply (your output was sent immediately). But to quote the Camel (page 130), "This has no effect on input buffering". You're sure the client actually sent back properly terminated text? Just from reading what you've said, it looks as if the text was sent as Unix text. Otherwise I can't for the moment understand why $line contained what it did. } }Does anyone out there have any MacPerl socket code that talks to a }Unix Box. There's tons of it. It's something that my Mac does daily, and it speaks http, ftp, nntp, smtp, and gopher with Unix (and other) boxes regularly. Personally, unless you really want to reinvent the wheel, I'd look into one of the available packages that does the protocol you're interested in. I've ported both libwww-perl-5 (http, gopher, and lots of HTML and URL handlers, and also does other protocols with help) and libnet-1.01 (FTP, NNTP, SMTP, NTP, POP3, and more) to run under MacPerl. You can find them by following the links at my MacPerl site <>. If that doesn't cover what you want to do, you can check at CPAN (start at <>) and see if the package you want already exists. Then it's just a matter of porting it to MacPerl, which ususally isn't that difficult. }Would "threads" be a way that MacPerl could give an illusion of }multithreading? }(I thought I read that the MacOS now contained a thread package... As I understand the situation at present, MacPerl can thread only with the help of Userland Frontier, and only the OSA component version of MacPerl can be used for this. } }--Jerry } -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 693 Greenbelt, MD 20770