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[MacPerl] CGI.pm and MacPerl

I would like some feedback from folks experienced with CGI.pm and MacPerl.

I justed started using CGI.pm Version 2.28 with MacPerl 5.1.0 r2.  I
created a simple script that creates a CGI object with a couple of
parameter/value pairs defined then I print out them out.  I am running this
on a PowerBook 540c (68040) with 20MB of RAM.

I noticed that each time the script starts up, there is a significant delay
before the values are printed to stdout.

Is this delay due to the overhead of processing the CGI.pm package?  Is
this overhead specific to MacPerl or does UNIX versions of Perl also
experience this overhead?

If this overhead exists for each invocation of the CGI script, it seems to
be a signficant burden on CGI scripts that need to run quickly.  Is there
something I am doing incorrectly with CGI.pm and MacPerl?  If there is no
way around this, is there a more efficient CGI library module to use?

My CGI scripts will be running on BSDI UNIX in production.

Thanks for any help,

Here is a the script I created:


#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 -w

use strict;

use CGI;

my $query = new CGI("name=Johnny&address=street+city+state+zip");

my @params = $query->param();

my $i;
my $value;

foreach $i (@params) {
    $value = $query->param($i);
        print $i, "= '", $value, "'\n";

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