Here is a (first) upload from me to the MacPerl list. This is a complete internet booking system. A little background why I produced this (btw. with the VERY fine help of Alan Fry ( !! I have never seen or spoken to him, but his advices/tips/tricks where GREAT !!) : We here use 3 locations where several researchers do their experiments/research etc. At these 3 locations (called factors, don't ask me why, it's just called that way), the U-, Y- and Z-factors, there are a number of (test)rooms each. On the U-factor there are 3 rooms, the Y has 4 rooms etc. Until now we planned everything by means of agendas. At the end there was hardly an overview, of who is doing what, when. So I had the idea to create this. I can tell you it's a big success here ! It runs now for a couple of months without any great problems (there were a few bugs -of course- in the script, but these are fixed). The bookingfiles contain now hundreds of lines (one line is a booking), and the performance (responsetime) is good. The server is a PowerMac 6100/60. Everyone can make a booking. At that moment that date/time is fixed. Only the booker can delete it. Because we didn't want a system with username/password (many people use their first name, or wife/husbands/dogs-name, so what means security ??). And because we have the situation here that everyone has (more or less) its own computer, I used the bookers IP-address as his/her 'signature' of the booking made. That address is saved with the booking, and checked if an attempt is made to delete it. Until now there have bin no problems with that. Another gift of this system is that it produces files. Database-files. Now it is very easy, to perform some calculations at the finishing of a project. How many time (hours) was spend on this project ? What are the peak-times, who worked on it ? And more questions. There are (in our situation) 3 booking-files, for every factor one: InFileU.txt, InFileY.txt and InFileZ.txt. And 3 files where the deleted bookings go to: InFileDelU.txt, InFileDelY.txt and InFileDelZ.txt. I created the deleted-bookings files, because sometimes someone says, 'I booked that and that day/time, and now it's gone !!'. Than I can look in these files, and answer, 'Sorry, you didn't book that moment, it's NOT deleted !'. So nothing leaves this system. Included are a number of Perl CGI's: TstBookGB.cgi Adds a booking to a booking (text)-database TstBookDayGB.cgi Shows what bookings a user made -today- TstDelGB.cgi Deletes a booking from the database TstDelDayGB.cgi Shows what booking have been deleted -today- TstSrchGB.cgi Produces a search/report -nicely formatted- over a -user-definable- period The database is in the simple form of a tab-delimited text file. They can be viewed with every common wordprocessor. If viewed with, lets say, Excel, realize that the leading zero's of time and dates are essential ! Included are also a number of forms (html): TstBookGB.html Formpage to add a booking (green) TstDelGB.html Formpage to delete a booking (blue) TstSrchGB.html Formpage to perform a search (yellow) The forms contain JavaScripts that will show the current -today's- date at startup. That's easy, because you don't book in the past. (actually it's impossible, the booking CGI will send an error-message). Also included are 4 images (gifs) to produce nice buttons. add.gif Add-button delete.gif Delete-button help.gif Help-button (means: what did I today ?) search.gif Search-button These gifs are compacted (Compact Pro), and BinHexed. Install everything on your web-server, and that's it. That means, you have to edit in the Perl-scripts the path (and name if you like) to your database, and -eventually- change the path to the images in the html-files. Also create files with the name of your database(s) at a safe place on your web-server. I know this was a long message, but I just wanted to explain things in a correct way. Greetings from Holland !! # You can use this system for free ONLY for # # non-commercial use. Otherwise I own you $50 US. # # (but a free gift is always welcome, it's a step # # closer to my new PowerMac) # # Nico Rozendaal, # # University of Maastricht, # # Dept. of Psychiatry & Neuropsychology, # # Maastricht, The Netherlands. # # e-mail: # Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="Images.cpt.Hqx" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Images.cpt.Hqx" Attachment converted: PowerPudge:Images.cpt.Hqx (????/----) (0003C0E8) Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="TstBookGB.html" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="TstBookGB.html" Attachment converted: PowerPudge:TstBookGB.html (????/----) (0003C0E9) Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="TstDelGB.html" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="TstDelGB.html" Attachment converted: PowerPudge:TstDelGB.html (????/----) (0003C0EA) Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="TstSrchGB.html" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="TstSrchGB.html" Attachment converted: PowerPudge:TstSrchGB.html (????/----) (0003C0EB) Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" Attachment converted: (????/----) (0003C0EC) Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" Attachment converted: (????/----) (0003C0ED) Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" Attachment converted: (????/----) (0003C0EE) Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" Attachment converted: (????/----) (0003C0EF) Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" Attachment converted: (????/----) (0003C0F0)