>I'm having trouble getting MacPerl variables into my applescripts. I've >never worked with this aspect of MacPerl before, so perhaps I'm just being >dopey. >[...] The problem is the way you're quoting the here-document. The problem is this line: >&MacPerl'DoAppleScript(<<'END_SCRIPT'); Since you put single quotes around END_SCRIPT, it acts as if the body your AppleScript (the here-document) was in single quotes. You could put double quotes around END_SCRIPT to get variable substitution, but then you'll need to be careful to quote the double quotes in the AppleScript. The following worked for me: #!/usr/local/bin/perl $x = "Text text"; &MacPerl'DoAppleScript(<<"END_SCRIPT"); tell application "MacPerl" make new Window copy \"$x\" & \"Inserting text the hard way.\" to character 1 of front Window end tell END_SCRIPT