At 2:02 PM -0600 on 12/11/96, John Gilmore-Baldwin wrote: }I'm having trouble getting MacPerl variables into my applescripts. I've }never worked with this aspect of MacPerl before, so perhaps I'm just being }dopey. } }Here's what I've tried: } }#!/usr/local/bin/perl } }$x = "Text text"; } }&MacPerl'DoAppleScript(<<'END_SCRIPT'); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Your problem is right here. To get the effect you want, you need either <<END_SCRIPT or <<"END_SCRIPT". The single quotes tell Perl *not* to do variable substitution, but to leave a literal $x in the string. }tell application "MacPerl" } make new Window } copy "$x" & "Inserting text the hard way." to character 1 of front }Window }end tell }END_SCRIPT } }This gives me "$x" instead of "Text text". } }variations on this theme (taking the quotes out, etc.) seem to prevent the }script from compiling properly. (I get no error message, but I get no }output either). } }Can somebody help me? } }I'm using MacPerl 5.1.0r2. -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 693 Greenbelt, MD 20770