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Re: [MacPerl] Re: [MacPerl Announcement] MacPerl 5.1.1 released

Paul Hoffman writes:

>I doubt Apple, regardless of their
>"strategy", is going to make it impossible for MacPerl to run on the new

I think Matthias is suspecting that perl itself will compile without much 
fuss on Apple's derivative of Nextstep.  Which would mean that MacPerl 
would be obviated...sometime in 2005 when the last System 7 user decides 
to upgrade.

I'm not sure I agree;  I think there might be a significant level of fuss 
involved.  Unless Apple uses a lot more of Nextstep than I think it will. 
 But then I'm no industry expert.

 Jamie McCarthy          http://www.absence.prismatix.com/jamie/
 jamie@voyager.net        Co-Webmaster of http://www.nizkor.org/