I am trying to get the following CGI.pm script to print two decimal places as in "$125.15" I can get two zeros tacked on the end but that's not quite what I am after. printf does not print anything. TIA Bob Callaghan #!/usr/local/bin/perl use CGI ':standard'; $tax = 7.00; $other = 10.00; print header; print start_html('A Simple Example'), h1('A Simple Example'), start_form, "What's your name? ",textfield('name'), p, "Multiplication factor ",textfield('multi'), p, "How many items do you want? ", popup_menu(-name=>'quantity', -values=>['1','2','3','4','5','6','7'], -labels=>{'1'=>'One','2'=>'Two','3'=>'Three','4'=>'Four', '5'=>'Five','6'=>'Six','7'=>'Seven'}), "What Size?", popup_menu(-name=>'size', -values=>['100.00','200.00','300.00'], -labels=>{'100.00'=>'Small','200.00'=>'Medium','300.00'=>'Large' }), p, submit, end_form, hr; if (param()) { printf "Hi ",em(param('name')), p, "Your price for the above order is: \$ %0.2f",em(((param('quantity')*(param('size')))+$tax+$other)*param('multi')." .00"), hr; } print a({href=>'../cgi_docs.html'},'This is a broken link'); #you can see the two zeros tagged on the end but when I use a multlipication factor of .5 I get "$117.1.00" #not good. ************************************************************************ *** The nice thing about going to a Drive In, If you *** *** didn't like the movie you can always slash the seats! *** ************************************************************************