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[MacPerl] Columns


Some people asked me last week to summerize the
answers given to my columns question. I promissed
to to do so, so here it is.

First, this was my question:

>I have a (text) file with the following format:
>123420010110010010101  (and so on this way => )
>and so on...
>Now let's say the first four characters are a PIN number,
>the following two characters the subject's age, and so on.
>How can I read such a file split in (fixed) columns ?
>I would like to insert tabs at the end of each field, creating
>a tab-delimited text file.

To all who replied, of course (as someone said yesterday)
'Thanks for the lightbulb over the head'

Here are the answers given (in random order)

I saw most of the answers and I believe that the fastest way
to do it is:

while (<>) {
        $pin = substr ($_, 0, 6);
        $age = substr ($_, 6, 2);

This is  my solution:

I assume you are reading the text file through a filehandle: <F>

while (<F>) {
        $_ =~ s/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{15})/$1\t$2\t$3/;
        $fHolder .= $_;

The regular expression groups each line into three sets of 4, 2 and 15
digits respectively and then reconstructs the line with the tab character
between grouped sets. Each line thus processed is appended to the variable
$fHolder for further processing (or for writing out to disk).

Try this (untested) code:
##---------------------------- start sample
open(INPUT, "filename") || die;
open(OUTPUT, ">filewithtabs") || die;
while (<INPUT>) {
        ## Try to replace 4 digits and 2 digits at the beginning of a line
        ## with the matched 4 digits, tab, the matched 2 digits, tab.
        if (s/^(\d{4})(\d\d)/$1\t$2\t/) {       ## line 6 (see below)
                print OUTPUT;
        } else {
                ## The match failed, there were not 6 digits at the 
                ## beginning of the input line
                print "warning: line of unexpected format ($_)\n";
##---------------------------- end sample

If you are certain your input data are correct, more minimal code could 
replace the "if" code at line 6 with:


If you actually want to get values out to manipulate in your program, 
change the "if" code starting at line 6 to:

        if ( ($pin, $age, $the_rest) = /^(\d{4})(\d\d)(.*)/ ) {
                ## Now you can work with $age, $pin, or $the_rest
                ## Example:  $max_age = $age if ($age > $max_age);
        } else {
                ## The match failed.
                print "warning: line of unexpected format ($_)\n";
                ## If you prefer, print bad lines to some error file
                ## instead of the screen--good for large data sets.

Try something along these lines:

$template = "a4 a2 a2";

($pin, $age, $so-on) = unpack($template, $_);

The "a4 a2 ..." is defining alpha fields for the unpack instruction.  So
it'll take the first four chars and make it a field, the next 2 and make it
a field, etc. It's quite handy, and with Perl's loose type checking, quite

templates can do a whole lot more, if you want, and are discusses in the
programming perl books.

        print join("\t",unpack("a4a2...",$_));

where the unpack format describes the fixed format fields...

See the Llama book Ch. 17 under Fixed-length Random Access Databases.

Try something like this:

my ($pin, $age) = unpack ("A4 A2", <>);
print ($pin, "\t", $age, "\n");

If you just want to insert tabs (and not process the data) then try:

print (join ("\t", unpack ("A4 A2", <>)), "\n");

Don't use regexps because this is faster and easier to understand.

Somthing like

print "$1\t$2" if /^(\d{4})(\d\d)/;

$s    =  '123420010110010010101';
$s    =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d)(\d{14})/;  #read the regular expressions
$pin  =  $1;                             #man pages for more info
$age  =  $2;
$oth  =  $3;
$misc =  $4;

print "$pin\t$age\t$oth\t$misc";         #"\t" = tab

Or, on the whole file:

open(FILE,$filename) || die "$!\n";
open(NEWFILE,">$newfilename") || die "$!\n";
while($s = <FILE>) {
        $s    =  '123420010110010010101';
        $s    =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d)(\d{14})/;
        $pin  =  $1;
        $age  =  $2;
        $oth  =  $3;
        $misc =  $4;
        print NEWFILE "$pin\t$age\t$oth\t$misc";

You probaly want to look at unpack() for reading the fixed width fields in
a while(<FILEHANDLE>) loop and some variant of 'print join()' to write them
back out.

If I had to do this, I'd use a regular expression.  Reading in the file
line by line, I'd do something like

($pin,$age,....) = /(\d{4})(\d{2})..../;

and if I wanted to tab delimit the results and print them out, simply

print "$pin\t$age\t....\n";

The alternative to using a 'regex' is to use 'substr'. It is worth  try:

        $pin = substr($_, 0, 4);
        $age = substr($_, 4, 2);

You could of course do the thing in one hit:

        $new = substr($_, 0, 4)."\t".
               substr($_, 4, 2)."\t".
               substr($_, 6, 2)."\t".

open(INFILE, "/in/file/name") or die("no in: $!, stopped");
open(OUTFILE, ">/out/file/name") or die("no out: $!, stopped");

while (<INFILE>) {

# the numbers following the "a"s indicate field width

my($pin, $age, $etc) = unpack("a4a2a99", $_);
print OUTFILE "$pin\t$age\t$etc\t\n";


According to the Camel, 2nd ed., p. 66, using unpack() is more efficient 
than patterns like /(...)(..)(.....)/ .

You'll probably get lots of responses telling you to use "PACK", which
is certainly more efficient. Here's how to do it if you want to
understand what you're doing :*)

Assuming the input file is open for read on INFILE and the output file is
open for write on OUTFILE:

$OUTFILE=">TheFileToWrite"; #the ">" says we're allowed to write to the file
open INFILE | die "Can't open $INFILE to read.\n";
open OUTFILE | die "Can't open $OUTFILE to write.\n";

while (<INFILE>) {
        #everything inside this WHILE will automatically use each
        #each successive line of INFILE unless we tell it otherwise
        #...which we won't

        @TheData = split("");  #split the line into single character parts
        $ThePIN=join("",@TheData[1..4]); join the first four into a string
        etc etc
        #finally, print the outfile.
        print OUTFILE "$ThePIN\t$TheAge\t$TheBlah\tetc\n";

close OUTFILE;
close INFILE;

If I were doing this, I'd read in the line of text, and use
substr() a few times to pick off the individual items and push
them into an array.  Like this:

while(<>) {
        @array = ();
        push (@array, substr($_, 0, 4));
        push (@array, substr($_, 4, 4));
        print join("\t", @array), "\n";


# Nico Rozendaal,                                 #
# University of Maastricht,                       #
# Dept. of Psychiatry & Neuropsychology,          #
# Maastricht, The Netherlands.                    #
# e-mail: nico.rozendaal@np.unimaas.nl            #