(Mark Manning/Metrica) writes: [snip] } }Ok - so here are my questions: } }1. Why the message? Of course I want the program to run - }that's why I put it into the shutdown procedures. Not owning Inside Macintosh, I can only guess, but I've seen things like this before in AppleScripts... Why the message? Because you told the operating system to shut down. (Are you in the habit of starting programs on Unix boxes after you've just done "shutdown -h now"?). After it launches your script in the Shutdown Items folder, it then continues to its next order of business. Its next order of business is to get all running applications to quit. So it tells MacPerl to quit, MacPerl says "Hmm, I'm in the middle of running a script, I'd better ask and see if the user really wanted to tell me to quit". And MacPerl puts up a dialog box. Your easiest fix is not to try to drop your PPP connection during shutdown. Do it before. } }2. Why CANCEL and QUIT? Shouldn't that be RUN and QUIT? Cancel in MacSpeak means "I really didn't mean to do that". MacPerl isn't trying to figure out where the Quit came from, so it assumes you did it from the menu or with command-Q. Try starting a script and then command-Q sometimes and you'll see this. } }*Soapbox ranting - ON* }I really hate second-guesser programs. Which is why I like }MacPerl (or rather Perl) and Unix so much. Neither Perl }nor Unix try to second-guess what you really want to do. Nope, Unix will let you "rm -f *" even if you really meant "rm -f *~". }They just try to do it. If there was one thing I really }really wish I could do with the Mac - it would be to turn }off these "Are you sure?" questions. I can't stand them. Yes, but MacOS isn't made for the power users, but for the millions that will accidentally do things they didn't want to do. It goes to some lengths to protect users from themselves. Whether that's actually necessary depends on whose using the machine. }:-) I've got the trash's "Are you sure?" turned off and }under 7.5.3 I've turned off the "You didn't shut this }computer down properly" message. Hell! I KNOW I didn't }turn the computer off properly - it froze up on me and I }had to reboot! Who needs the stupid computer coming back }and berrating you about having had to do so? }*Soapbox ranting - OFF* } }Thank you. :-) --- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771