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[MacPerl] SUMMARY: using &MacPerl'DoAppleScript

thanks a lot to all who responded (especially to):
hmlehman@es.unizh.ch (Hans Martin Lehmann)
"Paul J. Schinder" <schinder@pjstoaster.pg.md.us>
pudge@pobox.com (Chris Nandor)

}I have a little problem:
}I want to call a apple script out of perl:
}tell application "FileMaker Pro"
}        get record 1 of layout 0
}end tell
}and I want to use the data out of the script within perl.
}I tried:
}print result;
}print $result;
}print $_;
}and nothing works!
}Any hint?


$result = &MacPerl'DoAppleScript(<<'END_SCRIPT');

tell application "FileMaker Pro"
        get record 1 of layout 0
end tell
print "$result\n";


rudolf hommer (edv)
Rudolf Hommer ( hommer@afta-bw.de )                EDV-Gruppe
Tel: +49 711 9063 256                   Fax: +49 711 9063 299
Akademie fuer Technikfolgenabschaetzung in Baden-Wuerttemberg
     Industriestrasse 5; D-70565 Stuttgart-Vaihingen