At 14.48 97/2/19, Mark Manning/Metrica wrote: > @theLine = split( ")", $theCommand ); > @theLine = split( "\)", $theCommand ); > @theLine = split( '\)', $theCommand ); > @theLine = split( /\)/, $theCommand ); A little bit of perspective to help y'all remember: the reason for this is that in the split() function you are MATCHING text, so you use the regex syntax. It is in fact a regular expression you are using in the split() function. However, with join(), you are specifiying explicitly what text to drop in, so you use quotes. This would also be appropriate: > @theLine = split(m"\)", $theCommand ); #================================================================ Chris Nandor PGP Key 1024/B76E72AD Keyfingerprint = 08 24 09 0B CE 73 CA 10 1F F7 7F 13 81 80 B6 B6