MacPerl 5.1.3r2 on a Performa 5215, system 7.5.5. I have a simple script that parses through a Eudora mailbox and makes a report. I am using BBEdit 4.0.3 and the wonderful MacPerl BBEdit extensions. The email comes to me via a unix perl script which formats the data like so: String1\tString2 and so on. However, sometimes the tabs are off in the final output and I can't find tabs or runs of spaces in the raw text. I have tried to uses BBEdits zap gremlins and grep searches to uncover what's causing this, but no luck. Also some of the lines begin with indents. I have BBEdits line feed filters in place and have tried inserting line breaks. Any help will be appreciated. My code is below: #! perl while (<>) { chop; next if /^$/; # if ($_ =~ /^(Yes|No)\b/i) { # &the_split($_); # } if (/^(How|Martial|First)/) { &the_split($_); } } # This section splits the questions into separate arrays ######################################################## foreach $list (@list) { if ($list =~ /^Martial/) { push (@martial, $list); } } foreach $list (@list) { if ($list =~ /^First/) { push (@Firsttime, $list); } } foreach $list (@list) { if ($list =~ /^How/) { push (@Find, $list); } } ######################################################## #foreach $Find (@Find) { #Test to see if we have the data # print "$Find\n"; #} print "Practice Hall Reader Survey\n"; &format (@Firsttime); &format (@Find); &format (@martial); ######################################################### sub format { my ($q, $a, @holder); foreach $_ (@_) { ($q, $a) = split (/=/, $_); #print "$a\n"; #Use this to test for values $a =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; push (@holder, $a); } foreach $a (@holder) { $n{$a}++; } print "\n\n$q Answer Summary\n"; print "=" x 55 . "\n"; foreach $_ (sort keys %n) { printf "%-45s %4d\n",$_, $n{$_}; } %n = " "; print "\n\n"; } sub the_split { my ($question, $response); if ($_ =~ m/(.*?:)\t?([\w\s]+)$/) { $question = $1; $response = $2; } if ($response eq undef) { $response = "No response"; } $_ = join ('=', $question, $response); push (@list, $_); } Darryl Caldwell Oikiasuchou School ___________________________________________________ The Practice Hall: Myth & Martial Culture