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[MacPerl] Alpha release of MacPerl GUI modules

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At a time when nobody seems to believe in MacOS anymore, I thought I'd do a
little anticyclical move and bring you ... (drum roll, please)

 The MacPerl GUI modules.


Some familiarity with Inside Macintosh is probably advised, but you can also
play with the examples. Offers for documentation accepted.


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
  "In this utterance of falsehood upon falsehood, whose contradictories are
   also false, it seems as if That which I uttered not were true."
                          -- Aleister Crowley, _ The Book of Lies_



This is the first Alpha release of a number of MacPerl modules allowing
rapid prototyping of graphical user interfaces. These modules are:

	Mac::Events		Event manager
	Mac::Menus		Menu manager
	Mac::Windows	Window manager
	Mac::QuickDraw	QuickDraw
	Mac::Fonts		Font manager
	Mac::Controls	Control manager
	Mac::Dialogs	Dialog manager

MacPerl needed a few minor tweaks to support these modules, so a new version
of MacPerl is also included. This release is PPC only. A BigMacPerl will, as
usual, be rolled with the next regular release.

The "alpha" status of this release doesn't really imply a higher risk of
crashes. In my experience, as long as MacPerl has enough memory, these modules
seem quite well behaved. However, with "alpha", I'd like to emphasize that
the interface is not entirely stable yet. In fact, I'm hoping on your feedback
before committing to class and method names and all that. NOW is the time for
you to speak up; afterward, you're going to have to live with the results for
a while.

To install, copy the libraries into the right folders. Be careful not to delete
any existing folders.

Most of the modules have small demo programs in the :ext:Mac:XXX:t: directories

to get you started.

Now, have fun!

 -- Matthias Neeracher <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>