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Re: [MacPerl] client/server MacPerl 'PUT foo.pl HTTP/1.1'

At 18.56 97/5/16, Wm. L. Scheding wrote:
>I was just thinking about the sample programs client.pl and server.pl
>in the 'progtramming perl' pps. 342-345).

>Now on MacPerl, I can't do a 'fork to avoid deadlock.'  How would I
>build and run this example pair on a Macintosh??

Yikes.  You're using the Pink Camel book, which is Perl 4.  Get the 2nd
Edition Blue Camel book, which has the code you want.  Actually, it is in
the perlipc man page (under MacPerl Help->Advanced Topics->Interprocess
Communication).  Use the non-threaded version of the server.

>I want to build a http/1.1 'PUT' module to upload my web pages &
>scripts.  I've used Net$cape Gold, but it's a little to weird.
>I prefer BBEdit & fetch, but they only *do* FTP, not HTTP which
>the W/NT crowd likes to support.
>Any other suggestions on how to better upload pages and scripts?

I prefer FTP for moving files.  And BBEdit (the commercial version, anyway,
I dunno about the lite version) has an FTP extension allowing you to save
files directly over FTP with the command-S keystroke.  Nifty.  I use
Anarchie or Fetch for bulk transfers.

Another (weird) option is to set up your own machine as a server (FTP,
HTTP, or whatever), and go telnet to the remote server to fetch the files.

Chris Nandor                 pudge@pobox.com                 http://pudge.net/
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