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Re: [MacPerl] MacPerl complains format is not properly terminated

At 11.14 97/5/21, S t e p h a n e   J o s e wrote:
>When a format definition is located at the very end of a script and that
>the dot is the very last character of the file, MacPerl complains that the
>format is not properly terminated (simply inserting a carriage return or
>two after the dot fixes the problem, though...)
>When the format definition is located in the middle of a script the problem
>does not occur.

I am pretty darn sure that like here-documents, the end of the section of
your script is technically not "." but "\n.\n".  You have to have the dot
alone on a line, both preceded AND followed by a newline.

I know that is the case for here-docs, so I think it is probably the case
for formats as well.

Chris Nandor                 pudge@pobox.com                 http://pudge.net/
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