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Re: [MacPerl] XFCN XCMD & MacPerl how can I get a ls -lR stylefile list and then some?

hgun@ais.net (H-Gun Labs Chicago) writes:
}  I've been trying to find a way to list all of the mac specific Flags and
}resource/fork file sizes ..etc. I've looked into several XFCN type packages
}that claim to do all these things but I'm not really sure how to use them
}within MacPerl or how to install them.

Provided you're using a PPC machine, it's not really necessary to use
XFCN's to do this any more, thanks to Mac::Files.  The size of the data
fork has always been easy:

$dsize = -s $file;

where $file contains the path to the file.  The size of the resource fork is
a little harder to obtain:

        $has = Mac::Files::FSpGetCatInfo($file);
        $rsize = $has->{ioFlRLgLen};

and you can also get a lot of other information out of the structure
returned by Mac::Files::FSpGetCatInfo, like  the Finder flags, type and

        $finfo = $has->{ioFlFndrInfo};
        $type = $finfo->{fdType};
        $creator = $finfo->{fdCreator};
        $flags = $finfo->{fdFlags};

It's a good idea to have a copy of Inside Macintosh around when using
these.  There's an online archive at

I don't think Mac::Files works on 68k machines, and I don't know whether
Matthias is going to compile them into a future BigMacPerl or not.

}please send links and email to Adrian Dimond   hgun@ais.net
}we don't deal in firearms
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Paul J. Schinder
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