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[MacPerl] Dir paths in MacPerl

I've always used '/' in the directory paths when writing Perl for Unix,
NT, and VAX, but I've noticed that people here are using ':' . Is '/'
acceptable for Mac platforms or do I have to rewrite all my 'portable'


| Randal Pittelli                         |
| Dept of Environmental Medicine          |
| Univ of Rochester Medical Center        |
| Rochester, NY 14642                     |
|                                         |
| TEL: (716) 275-0797                     |
| FAX: (716) 256-2591                     |
| pittelli@envmed.rochester.edu           |
| http://www.envmed.rochester.edu/wwwrlp/ |
| --------------------------------------- |
|  "Love only a god that dances" - F.N.   |

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