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Re: [MacPerl] UNIX "system" command

At 16.08 7/29/97, Vicki Brown wrote:
>I guess I'm wondering about other folks on this list.  Do those of you who
>spend most of your time on the Mac find yourselves not even thinking about
>things like system() and "open ...|" ?  How many of us work on UNIX and
>Mac?  Do the Mac's limitations (I work at Apple; I can call them
>limitations :-) affect your Perl coding style?

Yes.  I only do open(...|) when I am doing something UNIX-specific.  I
switched over from sendmail to mailtools.  Etc.

At 17.10 7/29/97, Jon Stevens wrote:
>btw, i would use mklinux more often, except that the default installation
>has perl and all the other binaries not located in /usr/local/*... (last
>time i looked) this makes it real hard to do updates on software without
>having to wait for apple to do one first. imho, any software not core to
>the system should be installed in /usr/local/*...

Unless I totally misunderstand ... it doesn't matter where it is ... when
you install perl (I installed 5.00400 on MkLinux awhile back), you can tell
it where to install and you can even tell it to recognize an alternate
shebang line.  On my big UltraSPARC Solaris box at work, the syadmin wanted
all GNU-type stuff in /opt/gnu ... so I installed perl there, but made it
respond to "#!/usr/bin/perl" on the shebang line (which is where perl is on
our other machines) during configuration.

Maybe this doesn't SEEM like MacPerl stuff, but it might be a year from now
... :-)

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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