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[MacPerl] Hello & a Call for Submissions

My first post to this list, so a brief introduction-- I'm an internet
professional in Chicago, recently transplanted from Austin, Texas. Aside
from my dayjob as a web developer, I run a freelance web
design/development/promotion company called Idol Hands Design
(www.idolhands.com). I've been involved with the net for five years now, in
various capacities from end user to content developer to information

Although my last job afforded me the luxury and perk of having a Sun,
Linux, NT, and Mac on a series of desks all around my office, I've
currently only a single machine on which to do development and site
maintenance. For the last two weeks, I've been porting some of my homemade
tools from UNIX-based Perl to MacPerl. These are mostly server log analysis
and processing tools. I'm still working on figuring out some of the
Mac-specific functions in MacPerl, but for the most part the transition has
been incredibly easy.

To get to the point (finally): in the hopes of promoting the viability of
the Mac OS as a serious back-end development and maintenance tool, well
suited to interfacing with UNIX servers, I'm planning on spiffing up some
of my home-grown Perl programs and making them available on a special new
tools directory on idolhands.com. I'm also officially and cordially
inviting any of you with programs that you wouldn't mind having distributed
as freeware (with some variant of the Copyleft agreement a la Linux) to
send them to me for posting on the archive. Of course, you'll retain full
control over and credit for  your programs.

I look forward to working with all of you on this list and reading up on
what you're doing with this great Perl port.


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