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Re: [MacPerl] unix man pages to .pod or other readable format?

Just do something like:

man foo > foo.man

and copy foo.man to the Mac side and print.


On Mon, 4 Aug 1997, Paul Evad wrote:

> Hi there. I grabbed a man page from the linux server I use for a perl
> module that I need to work with. (not on the mac).
> Does anyone know of a utility that converts unix style man pages to a
> readable format either by shuck, bbedit or some other Mac based utility?
> Reason being... I currently can't print from my linux box to my IINTR
> (haven't taken the time to figure that one out yet ;-).
> Any pointers would be appreciated.
> Also, another quick question. On the subject of applets... is it possible
> to compile MacPerl into an applet/droplet that is all in one file? (for the
> purpose of creating a standalone solution for some of my 'not so bright'
> customers.
> Is that doable? Or should I be looking into Java or C++?
> (as you can tell, fairly new to working with perl on the mac).
> - paul
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