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Re: [MacPerl] editors

At 7.56 8/4/97, Matthias Ulrich Neeracher wrote:
>bradford@nwlink.com writes:
>>I'm looking for a better way to edit the MacHTTPd CGI PERL scripts.. The
>>editor in MacPERL is crappy, but it seems to be the only way to save as a
>>MacHTTPd CGI format script.
>Aww, now you've hurt my feelings :-)

At 8.04 8/4/97, David Turley wrote:
>I wouldn't call the MaPerl editor crappy. It serves its purpose. I'd
>much rather see Matthias spend his limited time working withthe perl
>port, not coding  an editor.

I agree with David's sentiment, but if I were evaluating MacPerl's editor
as a text editor, rather than a quick-n-dirty script viewer, I would have
to call it crappy.  It supports virtually none of the text-selection
conventions all other editors do, it treats tabs as single spaces, it has a
small buffer ... it stinks.

But I wouldn't have it any other way.  Unless the editor were as good as
BBEdit, I would never use it anyway.  Why waste Matthias' valuable time?

Although, if OpenDoc were still around, we could've simply used BBEdit's
OpenDoc part with a MacPerl part  C'est la vie.

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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