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Re: [MacPerl] editors

IT would be very nice if Perl would not open a copy of the script
when it gets a syntax error, or such.  I have to be very careful not to
edit with perl while I'm running BBEDIT.  Once selected, could perl use the
'chosen' editor to view the source, or none?  Having two copies (.cgi & .pl)
around is a minor pain too.  Some times I edit in MacPerl and copy and paste
back to perl to do a save as. Usually this is the 'last minute cgi fixes' mode.

If you compare this to the MPW style integration, which is less operator
error prone, one might be able to design a better edit-compile-debug-edit

Thanks, Bill

>At 7.56 8/4/97, Matthias Ulrich Neeracher wrote:
>>bradford@nwlink.com writes:
>>>I'm looking for a better way to edit the MacHTTPd CGI PERL scripts.. The
>>>editor in MacPERL is crappy, but it seems to be the only way to save as a
>>>MacHTTPd CGI format script.
>>Aww, now you've hurt my feelings :-)
>At 8.04 8/4/97, David Turley wrote:
>>I wouldn't call the MaPerl editor crappy. It serves its purpose. I'd
>>much rather see Matthias spend his limited time working withthe perl
>>port, not coding  an editor.
>I agree with David's sentiment, but if I were evaluating MacPerl's editor
>as a text editor, rather than a quick-n-dirty script viewer, I would have
>to call it crappy.  It supports virtually none of the text-selection
>conventions all other editors do, it treats tabs as single spaces, it has a
>small buffer ... it stinks.
>But I wouldn't have it any other way.  Unless the editor were as good as
>BBEdit, I would never use it anyway.  Why waste Matthias' valuable time?
>Although, if OpenDoc were still around, we could've simply used BBEdit's
>OpenDoc part with a MacPerl part  C'est la vie.

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