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Re: [MacPerl] editors

"Wm.L.Scheding" <wls@isi.edu> writes:
>IT would be very nice if Perl would not open a copy of the script
>when it gets a syntax error, or such.  I have to be very careful not to
>edit with perl while I'm running BBEDIT.  Once selected, could perl use the
>'chosen' editor to view the source, or none?

Agreed about the idea, but I see no place for it on my development schendule or

>Having two copies (.cgi & .pl)
>around is a minor pain too.  Some times I edit in MacPerl and copy and paste
>back to perl to do a save as. Usually this is the 'last minute cgi fixes' mode

I'm afraid I can't quite follow you here....

>If you compare this to the MPW style integration, which is less operator
>error prone, one might be able to design a better edit-compile-debug-edit

... nor here.


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
   "One fine day in my odd past..." -- Pixies, _Planet of Sound_

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