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Re: [MacPerl] editors

Chris Nandor 8/4/97 7:50 AM wrote:

>At 23.37 8/3/97, bradford@nwlink.com wrote:
>>I'm looking for a better way to edit the MacHTTPd CGI PERL scripts.. The
>>editor in MacPERL is crappy, but it seems to be the only way to save as a
>>MacHTTPd CGI format script.
>>Is there a way to use BBEdit to save these in this format?
>Whatever you have as your editor will show up in the third menu over in
>MacPerl (i.e., "BBEdit").  Open the file in MacPerl, select "Edit Front
>Window," and the file will open in your editor.  Also, Brad Hanson has some
>extensions, one of which will aloow direct opening/saving of MacPerl files
>from BBEdit.
>        http://members.aol.com/bradh5/bbedit_extensions.html

That URL has changed. It is now


Brad Hanson

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