At 11.08 9/4/97, Alan Fry wrote: >In the script attached to my earlier message today there is a line: > >{ktra:[20,35,100,80], pjst:cent, onst:bold, colr:[0,24576,0], ktxt:"$str"} > >in which the quotes around "$str" are AppleScript *curly* double-quotes; >'option-[' (opening) and 'shift-option-[' (closing). > >Unfortunately MIME translates these 'curly double-quotes' to the default >'straight double-quotes', which AEBuild will reject as defective... In the interest of clarity and at the risk of obfuscation, you could also write it thusly (untested): $evt = AEBuildAppleEvent( 'core', 'save', typeApplSignature, "c2gf", 0, 0, qq( '----':[120,105], kfil:type(cwin), drwg:[ {klne:[10, 10, 105, 10], kths:2, colr:[65535,0,0]}, {klne:[10, 95, 105, 95], kths:2, colr:[65535,0,0]}, {krct:[10,20,100,80], colr:[13107,62914,65535]}, {kfrm:[10,20,100,80]}, {krct:[15,25,105,85], colr:[65535,65535,0]}, {ktra:[20,35,100,80], pjst:cent, onst:bold, colr:[0,24576,0], ktxt:TEXT(\@)} ] ),$str, ) or die $^E; -- Chris Nandor %PGPKey=('B76E72AD',[1024,'0824 090B CE73 CA10 1FF7 7F13 8180 B6B6']) ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to