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Re: [MacPerl] graphics with MacPerl

Chris Nandor writes Thu, 4 Sep 1997 12:52:10 -0400:

>In the interest of clarity and at the risk of obfuscation, you could also
>write it thusly (untested):
>$evt = AEBuildAppleEvent(
>    'core', 'save', typeApplSignature, "c2gf", 0, 0,
>    qq(
>        '----':[120,105], kfil:type(cwin), drwg:[
>            {klne:[10, 10, 105, 10], kths:2, colr:[65535,0,0]},
>            {klne:[10, 95, 105, 95], kths:2, colr:[65535,0,0]},
>            {krct:[10,20,100,80], colr:[13107,62914,65535]},
>            {kfrm:[10,20,100,80]},
>            {krct:[15,25,105,85], colr:[65535,65535,0]},
>            {ktra:[20,35,100,80], pjst:cent, onst:bold,
>                                  colr:[0,24576,0], ktxt:TEXT(\@)}
>        ]
>    ),$str,
>) or die $^E;

Yes -- much better. It works fine without being any more obfuscated really
than AppleEvents habitually are.

Alan Fry

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