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[MacPerl] pod2latex problem

Hi, I just started playing around with the pod2latex script supplied in 
the pod folder. I saved it as a droplet, and started to drop pod files on 
it, resulting in the following (sample) errors: (I've removed most of the 
pod2latex pathname here.)

[pod2latex macperl.pod]
# Illegal '=item' command without preceding 'over':.
File 'pod2latex'; Line 361 # <POD> chunk 135# =item MacPerl::MakeFSSpec(PATH)

[pod2latex perlvar.pod]
# Illegal '=item' command without preceding 'over':.
File 'pod2latex'; Line 361 # <POD> chunk 40# =item $<I<digit>>

Both of these files look fine in Shuck, but the LaTeX files have overly 
long lines in them. Anyone else have these problems, or am I just doing 
something stupid? TIA

| Eric Petersen, University of Minnesota             (Home) 612-533-2654 |
| Dept of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics               612-624-3516 |
| Minnesota Supercomputer Institute                   (New) 612-624-1524 |
| epeterse@aem.umn.edu, epeterse@msi.umn.edu, pete0960@maroon.tc.umn.edu |
| http://www.aem.umn.edu/people/students/epeterse/                       |

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