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Re: [MacPerl] graphics with MacPerl

Anthony David writes Mon, 01 Sep 1997 12:28:15 +1000

>Tom wrote: -
>> http://www.genome.wi.mit.edu/ftp/pub/software/WWW/GD.html
>> I visited it 3 times, and last time the access was forbidden. And I had
>> not downloaded their toolbox. Sheesh.
>The GD module source is available at your nearest friendly CPAN.
>I take it you plan to port it to Macperl? I'm sure there will
>be no shortage of people willing to cheer you on with that one.
>Any help required that is not dependant on me having a compiler,
>please call.

... or 'GD.pm' Mac-ready in the 'lib' folder of the MacPerl distribution of

Alan Fry

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