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Re: [MacPerl] Running large cgi scripts - advice needed

>valere wrote:
>> OK, but alpha has 3 "states" for save, none looking like "macperl cgi
>> script"
>> do you use state "Think", "MPW", or "none" ?
>> is the save format "mac", "unix" or "ibm" important?

then Tom Kennedy replied
>I use Think but don't remember choosing it. I don't have MPW but do have
>an old Think C.
The three states just tell alpha what information to remember about how you
left the
document when you closed it last.

here is an excerpt form the "Alpha Manual" file:

The PutFile dialog is used to prompt the user for a new name under which to
save the contents of a window. This dialog has been enhanced by two popup
menus: "State" and "Format". "State" allows you to specify how much
information should be saved in the resource fork of files that you use. If
the state is set to "MPW", window position, current selection, tab sizes,
and font information are saved into the resource fork of your application
every time you open and close it, *even if you don't modify the file*.
Alpha still manages to coexist with build or make files because saving this
information does not change the modification date of the file. If the state
is set to "Think", neither the window position nor the current selection
are saved. If state is set to "None", no information is saved. The default
value for saved state can by changed by setting the Alpha variable
'savedState' to "mpw", "think", or "none". Note that if a given file
already has mpw information in it when the file is open, Alpha will always
update that information when the file is closed. Note also that "marks"
are always saved in the resource fork whenever a file is saved,
regardless of the setting of the 'savedState' variable.


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