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Re: [MacPerl] Running large cgi scripts - advice needed

valere.wiley@wanadoo.fr,Internet writes:
><stuff removed>
>>Right. If I understood well, whenever you want a perl script to be
>>usable from the web, you have to save it  in macperl using
>>"save as" "cgi script"
>>(and not "plain text", which failed in my case)
>>The problem is macperl won't open 100K files, and my next cgi is 132K.
>>So I edit in BBedit.

Another way is to write and edit as a plain text file in any editor, and
just drop the file on the MacPerl icon. If the file is larger than 32K, you
will get the option to save it as a script (still requires the presence of
the file "CGI Script" in the "MacPerl Extensions" folder)

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