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Re: [MacPerl] Running large cgi scripts - advice needed

valere.wiley@wanadoo.fr,Internet writes:
<stuff removed>
>Right. If I understood well, whenever you want a perl script to be
>usable from the web, you have to save it  in macperl using 
>"save as" "cgi script" 
>(and not "plain text", which failed in my case)
>The problem is macperl won't open 100K files, and my next cgi is 132K. 
>So I edit in BBedit.
Well, if you feel like tackling packages and if your cgi is broken up into
subroutines, you could stuff those routines into a separate package and only
have the main code saved as a cgi. That is to say, have a small cgi that uses
routines from a large library file.

main.cgi	the main program (saved as CGI) which "uses" or "requires"...
main-lib.pl	a bunch o' stuff (not saved as CGI)

If you need some help or advice on packages and libraries and stuff, I'd be
willing to give what I can (which isn't really all that much).


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