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Re: [MacPerl] Running large cgi scripts - advice needed

valere wrote:
> OK, but alpha has 3 "states" for save, none looking like "macperl cgi
> script"
> do you use state "Think", "MPW", or "none" ?
> is the save format "mac", "unix" or "ibm" important?
I use Think but don't remember choosing it. I don't have MPW but do have
an old Think C. 

Alpha remembers the original linend state (Mac, UNIX, IBM) and you can
change it. MacPerl likes Mac style only, I beleive. If and when you
download your scripts to a UNIX host, you need to change them over to

When you edit a MacPerl file (.pl), there is a MacPerl menu item (Camel
icon) that includes a menu command to "Tell MacPerl.../Save as CGI"
among others.  There is also a menu command "Quick Save As.../CGI". Both
of these commands depend on the presence of the file "CGI Script" in the
"MacPerl Extensions" folder. I've used both successfully. 

--- Tom Kennedy -- tomKenn@erols.com ---

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