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Re: [MacPerl] Mac OS Licensing

pudge@pobox.com (Chris Nandor) writes:
>Q: does anyone think the Mac OS licensing problems will have any affect on

The fate of MacPerl is ultimately connected to the fate of Apple. Beyond that,
I see no causal link between MacOS licensing and MacPerl (as long as Apple
licenses MacOS for *my* machine :-), and I certainly have no intent of entering
the business of second guessing Apple's business decisions.

To forestall speculation in other directions, the late Princess Diana had a
negligible role in the development of MacPerl, so her untimely death should not
interfere with the release of 5.1.4.

I realize that these are sometimes trying times for all of us, but please, if
you have to comment on this thread, keep it on topic, or I will summarily
execute the thread.

He said, grumpily

Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
       "Life is not all lovely thorns and singing vultures, you know."
                                           -- Morticia, The Addams Family

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