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Re: [MacPerl] Storing and sending authentication data

At 17.37 9/14/97, Philippe de Rochambeau wrote:
>A website I am currently helping develop works as follows: when you first
>connect to it, Webstar request your user ID and password. Once you have
>entered the requested information, the server displays a Web page. This Web
>page contains a link called "Mailbox". When you click on the Mailbox link,
>a FirstClass authentication dialog gets displayed, asking you to enter
>again your user ID and password.
>Does anyone have suggestions as to how I could write a script that would
>store the user ID and password of the first authentication dialog, then
>send them to the FirstClass server BEFORE it sends its own authentication

Check the FirstClass Server documentation for Apple Events or AppleScript
commands that it might take to accomplish this.  Then those events can be
translated into MacPerl Apple Event calls.

How do you call for the authentication dialog, anyway?

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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