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Re: [MacPerl] Having a problem with format

Some time around 9/16/97 11:13 PM CDT, WAMerrill@aol.com wrote something 

>format Something =
>		        Test: @<<<<<<<< @||||| @>>>>>
>		              $str,     $%,    '$' . int($num)
>		    .

     Well, if this is how your code looks in reality, the problem is 
easily solved.  The terminating dot needs to be the first, last, and only 
character on the line, preceded by nothing and followed only by a CR.  
Spaces, tabs, comments, etc. will cause it to fail.

     Try this and see if it doesn't solve your problem.

Dave Beverly
webmaster@thecitizennews.com -- http://www.thecitizennews.com/
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Mac Manipulator
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is a shell; DOS is a boot partition virus... where do you want to go 

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