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[MacPerl] ** Having a problem with format #2 **

Hello Again,

I wrote:
>>I keep getting the compile error "Format not terminated, at end of line"
with >>format.  I could not find anything wrong with my code so I copied the
code >>example for format exactly out of MacPerl Help and got the same error.
 The >>code from MacPerl Help and error messages follow.  Could anyone offer
some >>advice?  I am new to MacPerl so any help would be very much
appreciated!  >>Thank you.

WELL....I think I solved my own problem.  When you move the period (.) that
ends the format to the left margin, it works.....What's strange is that I
could swear that I had done this before (in my own code) but could not get it
to work.....

Anyway, sorry if I caused anyone to waste any time on this.....


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