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Re: [MacPerl] Shuck crashing

Matthias Ulrich Neeracher wrote:
> >BTW, I'm using Shuck 1.0.
> To be fair, Shuck 1.2 is not available separate from the 5.1.4 betas, but 1.1
> is on ftp://err.ethz.ch/pub/neeri/MacPerl/Shuck_11.sit.bin and contains
> significant reliability imporvements vs. 1.0

Be aware that, as I mentioned on this list when 1.1 came out, that the
Finders "Get info" of 1.1 says "version 1.0", while "About Shuck" in the
Apple menu says 1.1...
(at least the version which is on this ftp...)


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