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Re: [MacPerl] CGI help

Basic methodologies of CGI are the same for MacPerl as other Perl's.  I've
moved several personal libraries orginally written in Unix Perl on my ISP's
box, to both MacPerl and Win32 (NT and Win95) Perl.  The only change needed
was to change hard-coded filepaths from a / to a : on the mac.

To do CGI testing on my Mac (I accidently pegged my ISP's server processor
at 40% usage with a poorly written Perl program.  They got mad and now I do
all testing on my mac first) I downloaded the free version of Social
Engineering's Web Browser Quid Pro Quo from http://www.soceng.com/ (I'm
guessing on the url, it's been a while since I've downloaded it).   I
downloaded MacPerl (make sure you get the appropriate version for your
mac).  I opened the CGI with MacPerl, saved it as a CGI. Configured QPQ to
allow my CGI's to launch.  Tested with Netscape and Internet Explorer.

The only time you need to be careful using the O'Reilly books is when they
start doing things outside of Perl, in the Unix environment.  My rule of
thumb has been:  If in doubt - try it and see what happens.  If it doesn't
work exactly the way you thought, ask on the list and someone will explain
it to you (hmmm....that is if we understand it!)


At 1:28 PM +0000 12/31/97, Amitava Basu wrote:
>To: Chris Nandor <pudge@pobox.com>
>cc: mac-perl@iis.ee.ethz.ch
>Mr. Chis Nandor:
>Do I need to download any software to configure CGI in
>MacPerl.  Here in India I am totally in sea.  Fortunately,
>O'Rielly books are available in India since they are not
>really mac specific.  One can hardly find any Mac books
>in India.
>Things are becoming worse for India with the recent
>devaluation of Indian Rupees.  The foreign publications
>have become very expensive indeed.
>I would check the URL's given by you.  I go through the
>MacPerl list everyday but have not found anything really
>MacPerl-CGI specific.  If someone has anything to say of
>configuring a form in MacPerl for a beginner, I would
>welcome it.
>I would also like to know if perl script can be embedded
>on a Web Page.
>Subject: Re: [MacPerl] Re: Configuring Forms with MacPerl
>Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 08:32:46 -0500
>From: pudge@pobox.com (Chris Nandor)
>To: aztec@giascl01.vsnl.net.in
> CC: mac-perl@iis.ee.ethz.ch
>At 07.37 12/29/97, Amitava Basu wrote:
>>I am new to MacPerl.  There are no Mac books available in
>>India.  Does Perl books written for PC help?  Can you suggest
>>any  website from where I can download turorials?
>>I do not wish to get into the details of programming but
>>to learn as much to configure a form element and how to
>>configure a form to pass information to me.
>Almost all the docs specific to Perl that you need come
>with Perl. However, if you wish to buy Perl books, I
>recommend _Learning Perl_ and _Programming Perl_ from
>O'Reilly, and for CGI, I recommend _CGI Programming
>on the World Wide Web_, also from O'Reilly, which has most
>of its examples in Perl.
>See http://www.oreilly.com/ for more information about
>these books.  Also,
>see http://www.perl.com/ for more documentation about
>Perl.  Further,
>http://www.perl.net/ has a bunch of CGI documentation.
>Finally, my upcoming book on MacPerl will have a chapter
>on CGI, but it will not contain information about how to do
>CGI or HTML; it will only contain information about CGI
>programming specific to MacPerl.  It assumes a knowledge
>of HTML and CGI.
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