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Re: [MacPerl] Testing a form page..

At 09.02 98.01.27, Wade Williams wrote:
>Well, you certainly could have MacPerl save the STDOUT output into a file,
>which you could then open with a browser.
>It might also be possible to use the AppleEvent support to send the Browser
>an AppleEvent telling it to open the file automatically.

This works with Netscape ('MOSS') if it is already open.  Should work with
most browsers these days.  Writes to a temp file, opens the file in the
browser with Apple Events, then sleeps for 30 seconds before deleting the
temp file.  Edit to please.

use CGI qw(escape);
use Mac::AppleEvents;

$text = 'hihi!';

$temp = $dir . time;
open(T,">$temp") || die "can't create temp file: $!\n";
print T $text;
close T;

($temp2 = $temp) =~ tr|:|/|;
$temp2 = escape($temp2);

$be =   AEBuildAppleEvent('WWW!','OURL',typeApplSignature,'MOSS',0,0,
                "'----':TEXT(\@)","file:///$temp2") || die "$!\n";
AESend($be, kAEWaitReply) or die $^E;

unlink($temp) || die "$temp: $!";

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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