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Re: [MacPerl] PC file names

At 15.00 1998.02.13, Mark Manning/Muniz Eng. wrote:
>According to Douglas A. Spore:
>> I need to ftp from my Mac, to a unix box files from a PC formatted disk.
>> The Mac's are the only machines with a 3.5 disk drive that are on the
>> network. The USAF removed all the PC's after having to many problems with
>> them.
>Also, this really isn't a MacPerl question but more of a
>general question which would be better placed into the
>comp.sys.mac.misc area.  :-)

No, it is a MacPerl question: why can MacPerl not read directory
information on a PC floppy?  Is there a way to do it?  I do not know.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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