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Re: [MacPerl] more info from FSpGetFInfo

At 08.46 1998.02.25, Axel Rose, SPRINGER & JACOBY wrote:
>I would like to get more information out of FSpGetFInfo,
>in particular file size, creation date, modification date.
>I was fascinated by the speed of the Mac::Files functions.
>So I wanted to get the stat() infos (mtime, ctime) from
>Mac Toolbox calls.

Just use stat().  Should be plenty fast.  Remember to use the special
argument to _ to cut down on the calls to stat(), though, i.e.:

  print -d $file ? 'directory' : -f _ ? 'file' : '????';

File test operators call stat(), and a test on _ means "use the result of
the previous call to stat".

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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