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[MacPerl] MAC Filesystem Help

Chris Nandor <pudge@pobox.com> wrote:

> You take the high road, I'll take the low road, and I'll be
> in Scotland before ye.

I can only second that. From time to time I find myself reinventing the
wheel - and almost every time I find out that the pre-existing solution
was faster, better debugged and just easier to use.

It _is_ fascinating to dig into code yourself and build complex systems
yourself. But if you see it from the view of efficiency, you see that it
is just stupid and time consuming to do it - almost always someone was
already there and did it for you ;-)

There _are_ places where you need to do it yourself, of course: when you
are the first person to be there. And actually I think I am learning
enough in those areas, so I don't need to reinvent things already
existing ...

bye, Georg

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