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Re: [MacPerl] Running droplets from AppleScript

At 11:41 -0800 13.3.98, I wrote:

> There also doesn't seem to be a way to interrogate MacPerl about
> whether it's currently running a script. Since the rest of my
> AppleScript depends on the completion of the droplet's Perl script

Thanks to Matthias, I sorted out my problem; since the solution isn't
entirely intuitive, I thought I'd post it to the list in the hope that
someone else might benefit from it.

The main problem is that I was interpreting the aete entry for
MacPerl's Do Script too literally. Instead of passing the entire Perl
script to be executed as the first parameter, it's also possible to
pass the path of a script (either a droplet or a text file -- both
work); any further parameters are put in ARGV.

Since Do Script operates synchronously from AppleScript's perspective,
no additional work is required to determine when the script is finished.

The only gotcha I found was that if I tell MacPerl to quit (from
AppleScript) and something had been written to the console window,
MacPerl would complain and not quit until I manually brought it to the
foreground. The simple solution to this is to activate MacPerl before
quitting to guarantee that it will actually quit.


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