On Mon, Jun 15, 1998 at 10:49:02AM -0700, Vicki Brown wrote: } } The only newsgroup I know of is not, to my mind, an alternative, so let's } try out the "alternate mailing list" scenario... Having recently set up } majordomo on our home system, I can finally ask this question: } } Would anyone on this list be interested in joining a second Perl/MacPerl } mailing list where "Mac-specific-only" would _not_ be a ground rule? The } ground rules I propose would be: We use Macs && we use Perl. Traffic must } pertain to the preceeding statement. (See end of note for alternative)* Not me. Especially not with the moderated newsgroup coming within a few weeks. The vote is going on right now. If you're serious about this, what you should do is try to get the Perl Institute to sponsor the list. They have a variety of lists <http://www.perl.org/maillist.html>, but no general purpose list. (While you're at it, someone should get them to list the MacPerl list.) } } I don't know about you'all but as for me: } } 1) newgrsoups are not my thing; I want information to come _to me_. } It's mid 1998, we have the technology, we don't have the time. For me it depends on the volume. Beyond a certain volume, I'd rather use a newsreader with kill/select files. (This list doesn't reach that volume, and a more general purpose MacPerl list probably wouldn't either.) } } 2) signal to noise ratio on Usenet is poor; on this list it's generally } been quite satisfactory } } 3) light to heat ratio on comp.lang.perl.misc is abyssmal; people on the } macperl list are generally polite and on-topic. For both of these, the usual problem is people asking FAQ's, for which the answers are easily available if the asker would only bother to look. That could happen on a mailing list too. } } 4) I have no pressing interest in being flamed in public :-) } } *5*) one of the great things about the MacPerl list community is we all } have Macs, we all use Macs, we all use MacPerl. Sometimes that } means we have Perl questions. Sometimes (yeek) we run our code under } Unix. } Sometimes we run Unix on our Macs :-) } I like this group; you're good people. I dislike c.l.p.m. I'll probably } join the moderated version if it EVER gets off the ground, but mailing list } format is still my preference. I often find myself stretching a question to } make it fit the "Mac-specific" rule, because I don't have anywhere else to } go (even if I were willing to ask on Usenet, I wouldn't be there for the } answer). Yes, but the newsgroups are available now, some of the big guns of Perl hang out there, and if you do your homework first, you're usually treated well. } } If it were up to me, the rules for the macperl list would be "We're all Mac } users on this bus, and sometimes we ask less Mac-specific questions; but } we're a MacPerl community and that's what counts." I'd rather not have } much discussion of topics beginning "after I get the code up under Unix I } have this problem"...; it's certainly not a Unix-specific list. But the } only non-Mac-specific question I'd adamantly disagree with would be the one } prefaced with "I don't have a Mac but..." So if Len's got a Unix server } and a MacPerl script, I'd allow his question :-) at least until such time } as he happens to mention that he hasn't isn't using MacPerl for the script! } } However, it's not up to me. What is up to me is the question I asked at } the top of the note. } } *Alternatively, maybe it's time to reconsider broadening the } Mac-specific-only ground rules. A little :-) I wouldn't mind that, either. } } - Vicki } --- } Vicki Brown, vlb@cfcl.com |\ _,,,---,,_ } Journeyman Sourceror ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ } Scripts & Philtres |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' } http://www.cfcl.com/~vlb '---''(_/--' `-'\_) } P.O. Box 1269 San Bruno, CA 94066 --- Paul Schinder schinder@pobox.com ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to mac-perl-request@iis.ee.ethz.ch