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Re: [MacPerl] Changing Mac \r to Unix \n

>I wrote my first MacPerl script today. It will batch process hundreds of
>text documents into html (...I hope...).
>My question:
>What is the best way to change the Mac \r to the Unix \n?


Here's a little program that automatically sets the line terminator for
Mac, DOS or Unix. Save it as a droplet, make some little text files in
BBEdit with different line terminators and drop the files on the droplet to
test it.

I usually let Fetch get text files in TEXT/ASCII mode, so that the files
not only have Mac line terminators, but also the right Creator, ready for
double clicking.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

foreach $f (@ARGV) {
	print "\n";
	$/ = getLineTerminator($f);
	@terminators = unpack('C*',$/);
	print "\$/ = @terminators\n";
	open (INFILE, "$f") || die "could not open infile $f";
	foreach (<INFILE>) {
		print "$f:$_\n";
	} # foreach
	close (INFILE);
} # foreach

sub getLineTerminator {
	my ($buf);
	open (INFILE, $_[0]) || die "could not open infile $f";
	read INFILE,$buf,255;
	close (INFILE);
	return "\015"     if ($buf=~/\015[^\012]/); # $/=CR (MAC)
	return "\015\012" if ($buf=~/\015\012/);    # $/=CRLF (DOS)
	return "\012"     if ($buf=~/[^\015]\012/); # $/=LF (UNIX)
} # foreach

Rene' Laterveer                          |
work:     latervee@saclantc.nato.int     |
home:     latervee@ccc.it                |
Phone:    +39-0187-527-416               |
Fax:      +39-0187-527-330               |

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