I'm a newbie on this list. Please don't burn me too badly if you've already covered this adnauseum :) I've been scripting Perl for a little while, and MacPerl for only a couple of weeks. I'm trying to use MacPerl and AppleScript together to automate some of my routine tasks. What I'd like to do is use an AppleScript dialog box to choose a file/folder and MacPerl to deal with the files. How do I pass the value back and forth to MacPerl? Or can it all be done (easily) in MacPerl? I plan to insert the following into Perl via "do AppleScript" --------------------------- tell application "Finder" activate set theFolder to choose folder with prompt "Find the folder containing today's obits (on Advertising)" select {file "095.html" of theFolder, folder "amp_graphics" of theFolder} copy selection to folder "Obits" of folder " Pages" of folder " WWeb Stuff" of disk "Admin Volume" end tell --------------------------- Then Perl would pick up the name of "theFolder", which will be formatted something like: "garbage_month-day-year-moregarbage" and rename the file 095.html to monthday.html, and then fiddle with the contents of the file. Thanks, G. Ann Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for G. Ann Campbell Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" Attachment converted: macnas:vcard.vcf 1 (TEXT/R*ch) (000151E1)