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Re: [MacPerl] Hex Editor for Mac

>>What if any binary file editor exists that will let
>>me view the contents of this file in hexadecimal

This comes with full source ( in c ) so it should be a good beginning for
porting to perl.

<quote from the documentation for HexEdit 1.0.7>:
HexEdit v 1.0.7
Copyright © 1993 Jim Bumgardner
Internet Address: jbum@netcom.com

HexEdit is a hexdump viewer and editor that works similarly to the hex
editor provided with Apple's ResEdit.  It allows you to edit either the
data fork or the resource fork of a file.
I wrote HexEdit because I needed to be able to insert/delete bytes from the
data fork of files I was testing, and tools like FEdit don't have

HexEdit is freeware.  The author retains the copyright, including the right
to alter or sell the program.  You may use and copy HexEdit only on a
non-commercial basis.  You may not sell this program without the author's

The world is one country and mankind, its citizens.

Larry Moore and Shirley Allan
Union Street West
Fergus ON Canada

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