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Re: [MacPerl] Sending params to a MacPerl script

Yes, this is something like this I want to do. I will follow your advice and see if its working for me.

I just want to explore other ways to talk to MacPerl from Frontier or AppleScript. I rather have a lib of my Perl scripts on my Mac, and then ask Frontier to launch one of them, and be able to pass to this Perl script some params and get the results in Frontier, than send the whole Perl script from Frontier to MacPerl.

Ė (At) 11:14 -0500 14/01/99, Chris Nandor ˇcrivait (wrote) :

>But I don't know what you are trying to do, so I hope this helps.  It seems
>to me you are asking how to have a script running, and then send data to
>the script as it is running.  For that, you probably need to install an
>Apple Event handler in the script so it can receive Apple Events.
>The are examples of that in :ext:t:Mac:AppleEvents:, and a demo in
>macperlcat (Chris' AppleEvent Tutorial) under MacPerl Help, that shows how
>to set up a handler and how to "talk" to it with AppleScript.  That example
>actually sets up a handler for the Send Data event.  You basically just set
>up a handler with:
>  $AppleEvent{'McPL', 'DATA'} = \&myHandler;
>Then your handler gets passed an $event, which gives you the data, and a
>$reply, where you stick the reply data.  Don't dispose of either one.  And
>that's it.
Emmanuel M. Dˇcarie - <emm@cam.org>
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